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thoughts on my banner? hehe
about 1 year ago
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  • Not bad
    about 1 year ago
    There’s friends now?
    over 2 years ago
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  • yessir. there was before I believe but it was more hidden. this time around it's a little easier to navigate
    over 2 years ago
    blueberry muffins > your muffins
    over 2 years ago
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  • raspberry muffins > blueberry muffins
    over 2 years ago
    woah woah woah... raspberry muffins exist??
    over 2 years ago
    I have no Idea. If not, we should make them become real
    over 2 years ago
    Yes, just yes
    over 2 years ago
    chocolate chip muffins > raspberry muffins
    over 2 years ago
    over 3 years ago
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    3 months ago
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    Changes to Separate Inventories Hello everybody! Just here to inform you all that the plugin that was previously handling inventory changes between different worlds has been removed & a new custom coded system has replaced it.    You shouldn't notice anything as prison/free inventories have been migrated over to the new system so even if you were logged off in the event world, when you log back on and go to prison/free you'll still get the correct inventory back. (Aswell as all the other stuff like enderchest, health, exp, hunger, etc)   One change that this does introduce is that now only the main inventory (prison/free) is actually saved somewhere, while the inventory in any other world isn't saved and just get deleted whenever you go back to prison/free. So if you for example have the spleef kit on you in the event world, if you go back to prison/free then back to the event world, your inventory will be fully reset (YOUR EVENT WORLD INVENTORY, NOT MAIN WORLDS INVENTORY). This also applies to all other per world stats aswell like enderchest, health, exp, hunger, etc.   Now, there shouldn't be any issues or bugs as DrakePork has tested it quite extensively, but there's always a chance that there's some obscure bug that escaped my testing, so if you find a bug / issue with it remember to report it in ⁠bug-reports or to an admin.   Some general Info The inventory changes is all that DrakePork has got for this time except for the other stuff you can see in ⁠updates⁠. There probably won't be any updates for the foreseeable future too due to exams approaching, for le Pork, but we'll see.   Thanks for reading and we'll keep y'all in the loop with the next update!  
    8 months ago
    The Colouring Update Hello everyone! Time for another (albeit relatively small) update. The colouring system has been changed! Now, instead of using &4 when colouring a sign, a book, colouring your name, etc, you now use <red /> !   Coloured Names All current coloured names have been transferred to the new system already, so you don't need to do anything regarding that. The command is now /namecolour, with the aliases /multicolour, /multicolor, /namecolor, and /nc.   There is now an in-depth help message that appears whenever you type /namecolour!   This change also allows us to introduce some new things to name colouring, such as: You can now use <rainbow /> to get a rainbow-coloured name instantly! Gradients have been changed! You now do <colour1000 />   Command Example: /namecolour <red>Drake<rainbow>Pork</rainbow></red> which looks like this in-game.   Book & Sign Colouring When adding colour to books & signs, you must now use the new colouring system. The format of this is <red>, <green>, <#0dd9fe>, etc.</green></red> This also applies to decorations like &b -> <bold> , &o -> </bold>, and so on.   Other Stuff The two topics above are probably the only things different that you'll notice from this update, however, there's also been considerable changes to the backend. See ⁠#updates⁠ for the full changelog   This update mostly affects anyone who has purchased multi-coloured name or the colour bundle, so if you don't have those you won't notice any difference (probably).   However, if you would like to grab one of those, now would be the time as there's still a 35% sale on the store!
    about 1 year ago
    The first of many new updates has arrived! This update contains a lot of stuff we've been wanting to implement for a long time, and also new things, so let's get right into it! Daily Missions After quite literally more than a year, this feature that's been on your scoreboards is finally here! Each day, you'll get two random missions assigned to you. Completing these missions will earn you tokens! These missions are everything from mining blocks to completing /parkour!     Bombs Bombs have been added to the server! These can (atm) only be used in the prison mines. We've got 5 types, ranging from small to the massive nuke! These are obtainable from crates & a new feature called Shiny Grass.   Shiny Grass A new prison "event" that we call Shiny Grass has been added! Every now and then, a few grasses, tall grass, ferns, and/or large ferns in prison will start to glow! Hitting these will uncover an item some other player must've accidentally dropped. Who knows, maybe you find something good?   Casino & Crates We've completely remade all (except for the boom slot) of the crates & casino slots we have on SkyPrison! The new slots have been designed to be rank focused, with each one catering to 1-2 ranks.   This will happen to old keys: Vote ⇒ will work on a new crate Casino & Event ⇒ All old keys will work on boom slots   The New Casino Slots: Leafy Slots  ⇒  This slot is focused on Grass & Desert ranked players Hot N Cold Slots ⇒ This slot is focused around Nether & Snow ranked players Citizen Slots  ⇒ This slot is focused around Free ranked players, containing useful, fun & Free rank unobtainable items Citizen+ Slots  ⇒ This slot is focused on all Free+ ranked players. It contains a lot of tokenshop items, and perks you can't get anywhere else! Inferno Slots  ⇒ This slot is focused on Hell-ranked players Elysium Slots ⇒  This slot is focused around End ranked players   Vote & Event crates have also been remade! The event crate is now a lot more exclusive, but in return has vastly better items, including exclusive ones! The vote crate has been vastly improved, and now also contains rank-specific items   Claim Plugin Recode What started out as a simple "I should probably update this code that Goppi wrote in 2019 and I modified in 2021" turned into a full recode. With this recode comes a bunch of upgrades & new features! Changes: Specifying which claim is now possible Invite will no longer auto-add players, they receive an invite Confirmation msg on deleting & transferring claims /claim help ⇒  Split into pages /claim list ⇒  Shows ALL claims you're a member/co-owner/owner of /claim list ⇒  Shows your claim blocks /claim pending ⇒ shows pending invites/transfers /claim flags ⇒ New UI & sortable categories   Command Name Changes: /claim remove ⇒ /claim delete /claim addmember ⇒ /claim invite /claim removemember ⇒ /claim kick /claim addadmin ⇒ /claim promote /claim removeadmin ⇒ /claim demote /claim buyblocks ⇒ /claim blocks buy /claim blocks ⇒ /claim list   Discord Guides & Minecraft Help GUI We have added several guides to ⁠Server Guide! You can find them at the top of the channel list. We have added a GUI in-game to /help which contains info about various server features.   Various Features & Changes /token history is now a thing! It works similarly to /moneyhistory The sponge now spawns at random intervals Mine Reset Vouchers are now a thing and can be used to instantly reset an on-cooldown mine. Parkourist tag is once more obtainable The online store UI and prices have been slightly changed Check out ⁠#updates (in Discord) for all (most) changes!   With this update, and since it's summer, we're doing a Summer Sale! From now until the 20th of July, everything in the store will be 35% off!
    about 1 year ago
    The Nostalgia Scavenger Hunt Event is OPEN!!  Hello again!  The 10-Year Nostalgia Scavenger Hunt Event has just been released! You can find the portal inside the cake. You can get inside the cake by clicking a sign in either the Theme Room (at the center island) or a sign on the plate of the cake, you choose. Once you find the correct (muahaha) portal, you will be teleported to the Scavenger Hunt world. This world is made up of various past SkyPrison maps or related ones, meaning even some rival prison maps have been added to make it interesting. We encourage you to do it with a friend or a member who was on at a different SkyPrison lifetime than you, but don't be discouraged because you can very complete it by yourself, if you choose  This big event is explained in the Scavenger Hunt World on signs in the First Prison. Essentially, you start with 3 hints to start finding the hidden signs around the world. By finding these signs, you will collect Event Emeralds (the event currency you will need) and tokens. There will also be separate hint signs you can click that will help you to find the next sign.  Rewards are written on the wall in the First Prison, as well, which include Tokens, Event Keys, and Special Event Prizes. To complete the event and reach all the checkpoints, you will need to collect 40 Event Emeralds.  Good luck and Happy Cake Day SkyPrison!! Fly High,   ~SkyPrison Staff ️
    about 1 year ago
    SkyPrison 10-Year Anniversary Celebration!!! Hello everybody! We wanted to let y’all know about upcoming festivities on the server, discord, and forum! First and foremost, we want to announce that on December 24, 2022, it will be SkyPrison’s 10-Year Anniversary. We are turning double digits! Do you feel old yet? In celebration of this milestone, we are hosting several different sorts of activities.  To start, we are hosting a big nostalgia scavenger hunt on the server, which will take place in a new world with a bunch of old maps that you know from the old SkyPrison lifetime. You won’t want to miss out on the rewards for this event! You will need to collect Event Emeralds in order to unlock each checkpoint reward until you reach the final checkpoint that unlocks the final Event Prizes, which no one has on the server yet! Next, we will be hosting several giveaways! What are we giving away? Good question. We will be giving away Discord Nitro and coupons for the SkyPrison donor store. Giveaways will not only be on discord this time, but also on our forums, Twitter, Tiktok, and YouTube accounts so you will want to be signed up on the forums and following those accounts to keep updated. Social media links: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBPyfim1JUeNx0bvQgMXaA TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@skyprison Twitter https://twitter.com/SkyPrisonMC Next, we’re looking to host some mini-event days, where staff host spleef, skypvp, sumo, landfall, lavarun, Simon says, 4 corners, etc. All the games that we have that are functional are up for playing. We’re looking at hosting a mini-event day on December 27th (if interested checkout here https://discord.com/events/782795465632251955/1055684060925665340)Lastly, if y’all are feeling nostalgic and want to look for old screenshots you have when you were on SkyPrison, you can post those in #screenshots in the discord or DM them to @blueberry09 on discord. I’ll put those screenshots into a new SkyPrison Memory video for us to watch (aiming for) in January. Stay tuned for Cake day and the Nostalgia Scavenger Hunt Event!Happy Holidays ~Your SP Staff
    about 1 year ago
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