Heyo everybody. The Easter event is live!
You’ll notice some Easter decorations on Grass island and at the Center. If you go to the theme room, you’ll find info on the Easter hunt event, but if you’re reading this I’ll tell you about it anyway.
DrakePork has coded and created an egg hunt for us. There are 26 Easter egg heads hidden around the prison. They are in places accessible to Grass+ so that everyone can participate. Each egg is worth 20 tokens when found. To collect your tokens from the eggs, all you must do is left-click them. As you search and collect tokens from eggs, a message will pop up letting you know how many eggs are left for you to find. Once you find all 26 eggs, you will earn the grand prize of 350 tokens + 5 Event Keys!
The event crate has also been updated! It now contains Easter prizes. Prizes to take note of are the Basketless Easter Baskets and the Easter Bunny Head Ticket. The Basketless Easter Baskets all contain 9 items so you will need 9 slots in your inventory for those. The Easter Bunny Head Ticket does not immediately give an Easter head, it gives you a ticket for one, so you will need to contact an admin to get your prize if you win this item.
Lastly, since there may have been a few of you that already found all the eggs and opened your event crates before the event crate prizes were switched over, we’ve added a secret sign in the prison. This sign gives another event crate key, so you’ll want to be on the lookout for that and pay attention to its cooldown ;)
Good luck hunting for those eggs and Happy Easter to anyone who celebrates! (Decorations mostly by MiniAdventureMan and a little bit blueberry09)