Here's a list of all commands you can use on the server, currently in alphabetical order for the Basic Commands. Something like < player > or [player/options/here/potato] means that the player must be specified, whereas (player) means it's optional.
If you know about a command that's not on the list, comment below or send a msg or mail to DrakePork or blueberry09 or another admin.
Last updated: April. 15, 2022
Donator Commands
- /pvptoggle == enables/disables your pvp.
- /enderchest == opens your enderchest from just about anywhere!
- Alias == /echest
- /prison == instantly teleports you to the center of prison.
- /workbench == opens up a portable workbench from just about anywhere!
- Allias == /wb
- /enchant == opens up a portalable level 30 enchanting table just about anywhere!
- /anvil == opens up a portal anvil from just about anywhere!
- /pets == opens up a GUI of available pets you have bought that you can summon.
- /disGUI == opens up a GUI of available mob disguises and lets you turn into one to troll your friends or random people, you do you ;)
- /sit == Allows you to sit just about anywhere and shows your avatar to be in a sitting animation to you and everyone else around you. Sometimes you just need to give your legs a break.
- /sellall == sells all the items in your inventory that can be sold to the server, for the server price.
- /sellhand == sells the item in your hand, to the server.
- /sellhandall == sells all of the same type of item in your hand, to the server. For example, if you are holding a stack of sugar cane but have 5 stacks in your inventory, all 5 stacks of sugar cane will be sold.
- /hat == sets any item that you can hold in your hand, on your head.
- /dye [color/hexCode/random/clear/rainbow/day/biome/health] == set your leather armor to any color you'd like. It also includes custom presets like rainbow, biome, health etc.
- /nick < name/off > (playerName) == changes the color of your name (colors can be checked with /colourlimits or /colourpicker).
- An example of using a Minecraft color code to rename blueberry09 to a purple color would be /nick &5blueberry09 with the &5 being from /colorlimits. This would look similar to blueberry09.
- An example when using hex color codes would be /nick {#purple}blueberry09 with {#purple} being from /colorpicker. This would look similar to blueberry09.
- An example of a gradient color name for DrakePork would be /nick {#blue>}DrakePork{#red<} This would look similar to DrakePork.
- An example of a custom multicolor name for DrakePork would be /nick {#blue}Dr{#red}a{#yellow}ke{#green}Po{#orange}rk which would look similar to DrakePork.
Basic Commands
- /balance (player) == checks money balance.
- Alias ==Â /bal
- Alias == /money
- /baltop (page) == checks top money list.
- /bottledxp < amount of experience > < number of bottles >== bottles a set amount of exp you have on you and puts it in an Experience Bottle. (This command must be purchased from /tshop in order to user. It also cost $0.25 per exp to bottle.)
- Alias == /xpb
- Upgraded Command == /xpb all - This is the last upgrade that allows you to bottle all of your experience, but must also be bought from /tshop.
- Alias == /xpb
- /buy == opens the online store in-game to preview perks.
- /colourlimits == shows all possible colors available to you.
- Alias == /colorlimitsÂ
- /colourpicker = displays all hex color codes available to you.
- Alias == /colorpicker
- /cplaytime == detailed playtime
- /discord == displays the community discord server link
- /discord link == provides instructions on how to link your in-game account to your discord account, and will reward you with 500 tokens the first time you link.
- /end == Brings you to end castle. (Must have End rank in order to use and purchase this command from /tshop.)
- /dispose == opens up a GUI inventory to throw away items. (The permission must be bought with tokens from /tshop in order to use it.)
- /home (home) == teleport to home location.
- /homes == a list of homes that you can click to teleport to
- /ignore < player > == ignores a player
- /ignoretp < player > == ignores player teleport request
- /kit tools == Gives you the tools kit
- /list == shows online player list
- /mcmmo help == displays the list of McMMO commands.
- /mail (send/clear/read) (player) (message) == send and receive mail
- /moneyhistory (page) == opens a GUI that displays all of your money transactions in-game.
- /msg < player > (message) == send a message to a player
- /msgtoggle == toggle private messages
- /pay < player > < amount >Â == perform money transaction
- /paytoggle == toggle payments from another player
- /party help == displays the list of party commands.
- /pets == opens up a GUI of available pets that you have bought (either from the donor store or the zoo) that you can summon.
- /ping == shows player ping
- /playtime == shows player total play time and date that you joined.
- /playtimetop (page) == shows top list of player total play time
- /prison == Brings you to the center of prison instantly, regardless of rank. (Must be bought either with tokens through /tshop or donated for on the donor store in order to use.)
- /realname == check players’ real name (if they are using a nickname).
- /recipe  == check item recipe
- /removehome (name) == remove home
- Alias - /delhome (name)
- /reply < message > == reply to last message sender
- Alias - /r
- /rules == displays the server rules
- /randomtp == teleports to random location in the free world (/rtp in the nether can be bought in /tshop).
- Alias - /wild
- Alias - /rtp
- /seen < player > == check when a player was last seen online the server.
- /sethome (name) == sets home location
- /shakeitoff == dismount any entity riding you
- /spawn == teleports back to spawn location
- Grass rank’s spawn = Grass Hut
- Desert -> Snow rank’s spawn = Center
- Free+ rank spawn = SkyCity
- Guard rank spawn = Guard Island
- /stats == check player stats
- /store == displays the donator store link
- /suicide == takes your own life :c
- /votes == check your number of votes per day, week, month, and all time.
- /vote help == displays the list of voting commands.
- /votetop == check top vote list
- /tokenshop == Opens the Tokens Shop GUI
- Alias - /tshop
- /warnings  == check player warnings
- /website == displays the server forum link
- /whowas < player > == shows players previous names (no longer works bc of Mojang disabling name check feature)
- Alias - /alt < player >
- Alias - /alts < player >
Chat Commands
- /msg < player > < message > == send an online player a private message
- Alias - /m
- /reply < message > == reply to the last private message you received.
- Alias - /r
- /ignore < player > == ignores a player in private messages.
Minigame Commands
- /event == Teleports you to an event. This command will only work during events organized by a staff member.
- /duel < player > == Sends a duel to another player.
- /parkour == Brings up the list of parkours in a GUI inventory.
- /pa lobby == Brings you to the parkour lobby.
- /pa cmds [1/2] == List of all the parkour commands.
- /pa challenge create < parkour# > == First of three commands used for parkour challenging. This command creates the challenge for a specified /parkour map.
- /pa invite < player > == Second of three commands used for parkour challenges. This invites a player to a current parkour challenge. May invite multiple people.
- /pa challenge start == Third of three commands used for parkour challenges. This is used by the host when they are ready to start the parkour challenge.
- /pa leave == Exits parkour mode.
- /pb join == Brings you to the paintball lobby.
- /pb leave == Leaves paintball.
- /pb help == Displays all available paintball commands.
- /war join == Brings you to the war lobby when a war game is started by a staff member.
- /war leave == Let's you leave the war lobby when a war game is started by a staff member.
- /war spectate == Lets you spectate a war match when one is ongoing.
- /war stats [kills/deaths] == Let's you view a list of your war stats at any time.
- /witp join == Joins the infinite parkour world.
- /witp leaderboard == Shows the infinite parkour leaderboard.
- /witp leave == Leaves the infinite parkour world.
Teleport Commands (For rank Free or higher)
- /delhome (name) == removes a home set. You can then set up another home.
- /home (name)Â == teleports you to your home. When you have multiple homes set, it brings up a home GUI and you can click the block that you want to teleport to. You can also type /home (name) to get there without the GUI popping up.
- /sethome (name) == sets your home and gives it a name for it, so you can later teleport to it.
- /spawn = teleports you to spawn.
- /tpahere < player > == sends a request to a player to teleport them to you.
- /tpa < player > == sends a request to a player to teleport to them.
- /tpaccept < player > == accepts to teleport request and teleports you to the location where the player used the command
- /tpadeny == denies a teleport request.
Claim Commands (for rank Free or higher)
- /claim list == List of your claims.
- /claim info (claim name) == Info about the claim.
- /claim blocks == Display how many claim blocks you have.
- /claim buyblocks < amount > == Buy more claimblocks.
- /claim remove < claim > == Remove a claim.
- /claim addmember < player > == Add a member to your claim. Must be standing in claim when using the command.
- /claim removemember < player > == Remove member from your claim. Must be standing in claim when using the command.
- /claim addadmin < player > == Add an admin to your claim.
- /claim removeadmin < player > == Remove an admin from your claim.
- /claim transfer < claim > < player > == Transfer claim ownership to a different person.
- /claim flags == View/edit flags of a claim.
- /claim rename < claim > < new name > == Rename a claim.
- /claim expand < amount > == Expand a claim in the direction you are facing.
- /claim customheight == Create a claim with a custom height.
- /claim customshape == Create a claim with a custom shape.
- /claim nearby < radius > == Get a list of nearby claims.Â